Notecards - Laundry Ladies (Package of 8)
These gorgeous notecards are the perfect gift for anyone.
The Cards:
Laundry Ladies Each box contains 8 Laundry Ladies art cards and envelopes using 4 different designs. The accompanying story on the inside front cover. We randomly select the cards based on what we have available.
The Benefit: Your purchase will support art supplies reaching remote Indigenous schools.
The story of “The Laundry Ladies”
An Elder spoke of her Grandmother and of her Great Auntie’s experience working in the rough trades in a city many years ago. She and her sister, along with some Irish women, did laundry.
The women would sometimes try on the fancy dresses before laundering them knowing they would never be able to afford such finery themselves. It was a pleasant escape from the drudgery of the many menial tasks of the working poor.
The story was recounted by a visiting Elder and later recorded in the artist’s journal. An entire series of paintings was inspired by that story. Each woman’s personality is evident in that stolen playful moment.