Volunteers are the oxygen of any project! It's Volunteer Week!
Colleen Gray

Volunteer Week April 24-30, 2022 Words are insufficient things when you work with volunteers who give of themselves to communities they might never visit, to people they may never encounter.They gladly offer up, the greatest commodity in existence - time. We hear people say “You have all this time, why don’t you volunteer?” But how true is this? How much time do we really have to spare when life demands so much of us - when the life-pace is blistering. If we’re not careful, nurturing those things that allow us to be good humans can become unimportant or without priority in...
Garden Hill Manitoba - Our First Land Based Program Support Project
Colleen Gray

Land Based Learning and Language Support An Art for Aid project March 31, 2022 This year Art for Aid launched a new support program to support existing land-based learning and language programs for remote Indigenous schools. The Kistiganwacheeng Elementary School in Garden Hill, Manitoba was our first launch and we're proud to say it was a massive success. Yesterday we officially received word that the program's winter supplies and a new Sew & Sew Skills Lab have made it to Garden Hill, Manitoba, thanks to many volunteers, donors and our new buddies, Direction North who got our shipment over the ice roads just in time....
What's New at Art for Aid - January 2022
Art for Aid Project Canada Helping Indigenous youth programs helping youth remote Indigenous schools help
Colleen Gray

It's All About the Ebb and Flow of Shipping
canada post children postage schools shipping
Colleen Gray

There's seldom any downtime in this process, but the rewards of seeing multiple boxes heading out to make children happy makes the entire process well worth it.
Thank you! Miigwetch! Art for Aid Update August 2020 – Message from Colleen Gray
#AFAPColleen #artforaidfundraising AFAP Update Art For Aid news
Colleen Gray